The power of AROMA TOUCH

DoTERRA’s AROMA TOUCH: The power of Aroma’s

DoTERRA developed the Aroma Touch kit, a series of Essential Oils that all by itself have a unique impact on our wellbeing and wellness. The Aroma Touch kit is a gift for anyone who enjoys the touch of a massage… with the added value of powerful essential oils aroma’s. It has an impact on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Working to support our immune system , helping us to deal with stress, removing toxic waste from our bodies and re-balancing our nerve system. It’s even applied for horses… to help them recover after a match or just as a regular treatment. Read more

Workplace Wellness: Work-life Balance

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance can be something we just dream of. With stress playing such a huge part in our lives, it’s always important to understand what is causing the stress and what to do about it. Sounds logical doesn’t it? But most of the times we are not even aware of the root causes of stress. And from an employer perspective this can mean you need to be creative in your offering  to get and keep the best (new) employees on board.

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DoTERRA’s combat on Human Trafficking

DoTERRA’s combat on Human Trafficking.

When you think about Human Trafficking you don’t think about DoTERRA at all! Which is a good thing! Modern slavery has nothing to do with this Essential Oil company that holds high standards and ethics.

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DoTERRA’s Co-Impact Sourcing: Spikenard from Nepal

 DoTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing, Spikenard – Nepal

Taking care of nature, the plants and the people.  Sourcing a beautiful essential oil Spikenard in the very North of Nepal creates a win-win for all involved. It’s an area where the poorest people of Nepal live, with hardly any ways of building a future. With DoTERRA helping, training and supporting the local community to source the Spikenard in a sustainable way, the future of these people will change.




Spikenard is often referred to as ‘Jesus oil’ as it was used to anoint the feet of Jesus before the last supper. Conditions that might benefit from the use of Spikenard include heart arrhythmias, skin conditions, wounds requiring regeneration of the skin, nervous tension and stimulation of the immune system.


A Wart to Battle_Dogs and Essential Oils

Treatment of a wart Dogs and Essential Oils: Helping a Golden Retriever Ever wondered if Essential Oils can beat a wart? Meet this young dog, a Golden Retriever. She was seen by a vet after 3 months walking around with a growing wart on the cheek. The wart was growing and when touched, bleeding and leaving stains. As an […]

DoTERRA’s Co-Impact Sourcing And Healing Hands Foundation at the UN!

DoTERRA’s Healing Hand Foundation has an impact on area’s where it matters!

Reaching out to local communities. Taking responsibility as a corporate. Giving back to the world via co-impact sourcing has reached a new level. DoTERRA knows where to stand for. Forbes journalist Devin D. Thorpe spoke about DoTERRA at the UN.



Devin D. Thorpe, a FORBES-journalist, spoke at the UN – about doTERRA’s Healing Hands Foundation and doTERRA’s Co-Impact Sourcing. DoTERRA was positioned by Forbes as a real-case example how Corporates can create sustainable future’s for rural & poor area’s. Thorpe calls dōTERRA a 1.2B start-up… Start his session @ 11 minutes.



Serenity at work…How an essential oil impacts staff and clients!

Serenity Essential Oil at work!

Proof of the pudding…

Don’t believe anything I say… Make up your mind as you read along how Essential Oils have an impact on your workforce and your clients.

Below a very recent real work-case. How Serenity Essential Oil brought peace in a normally hectic situation. The tekst below was posted on social media… and it really shows how committed professionals want to bring the max to their customers, even under difficult circumstances!

Whoohoo.. my first oil-success at work!

I work in a nursery home with people with dementia. And last night I was working an evening/night shift. It might have been my instinct… or just me being pig headed, but I decided to bring my diffuser and some oils to work to try them out in the general living or in one of the apartments.

Once arrived I found out we were understaffed. An other colleague had to rush off home due to family circumstances. So there were just me and a temporary colleague in charge of two floors.

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Lavender & Migraine: A true Essential when it comes to our wellbeing

More and more people are looking for natural ways to improve their health and wellbeing. They try to avoid (OTC) medication.When we suffer from an ailment like migraine or insomnia… there are natural ways to deal with them, like essential oils.  One of the most popular and well known oils is Lavender augustifolia.

Lavender essential oil has been used as an anxiolytic drug, a mood stabilizer, a sedative, spasmolytic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, analgesic agent as well as a wound healing accelerator. Study has been done on Lavender essential oil inhalation for the treatment of migraine in a placebo-controlled clinical trial.

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