Serenity at work…How an essential oil impacts staff and clients!

Serenity Essential Oil at work!

Proof of the pudding…

Don’t believe anything I say… Make up your mind as you read along how Essential Oils have an impact on your workforce and your clients.

Below a very recent real work-case. How Serenity Essential Oil brought peace in a normally hectic situation. The tekst below was posted on social media… and it really shows how committed professionals want to bring the max to their customers, even under difficult circumstances!

Whoohoo.. my first oil-success at work!

I work in a nursery home with people with dementia. And last night I was working an evening/night shift. It might have been my instinct… or just me being pig headed, but I decided to bring my diffuser and some oils to work to try them out in the general living or in one of the apartments.

Once arrived I found out we were understaffed. An other colleague had to rush off home due to family circumstances. So there were just me and a temporary colleague in charge of two floors.

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